Source code for fluidsim_ocean.sw2l.solver

r"""Shallow water 2 layers solver (:mod:`fluidsim_ocean.sw2l.solver`)

.. autoclass:: InfoSolverSW2L

.. autoclass:: Simul

.. todo::

   Write a decent unittest file for this solver...

import pickle

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eig

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect import (

#from fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.util_pythran import compute_Frot
from fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.solver import compute_Frot

from ..util_pythran import gm_plus_kin_energy

[docs]class InfoSolverSW2L(InfoSolverPseudoSpectral): """Information about the solver SW2L."""
[docs] def _init_root(self): """The simulation object is instantiated with classes defined in this function. The super function `InfoSolverPseudoSpectral._init_root` is called first. A few classes defined by this function are retained as it is: - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.OperatorsPseudoSpectralSW1L` - :class:`fluidsim.base.preprocess.pseudo_spect.PreprocessPseudoSpectral` Solver-specific first-level classes are added: - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.solvers.sw2l.solver.Simul` - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.solvers.sw2l.state.StateSW2L` - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.time_stepping.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectralSWnL` - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.solvers.sw2l.init_fields.InitFieldsSW2L` - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.solvers.sw2l.output.OutputSW2L` - :class:`fluidsim_ocean.solvers.sw2l.forcing.ForcingSW2L` """ super(InfoSolverSW2L, self)._init_root() package = "fluidsim_ocean.sw2l" self.module_name = package + ".solver" self.class_name = "Simul" self.short_name = "sw2l" classes = self.classes classes.Operators.module_name = "fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.operators" classes.Operators.class_name = "OperatorsPseudoSpectralSW1L" classes.State.module_name = package + ".state" classes.State.class_name = "StateSW2L" classes.TimeStepping.module_name = "fluidsim_ocean.time_stepping" classes.TimeStepping.class_name = "TimeSteppingPseudoSpectralSWnL" classes.InitFields.module_name = package + ".init_fields" classes.InitFields.class_name = "InitFieldsSW2L" classes.Output.module_name = package + ".output" classes.Output.class_name = "OutputSW2L" classes.Forcing.module_name = package + ".forcing" classes.Forcing.class_name = "ForcingSW2L"
[docs]class Simul(SimulBasePseudoSpectral): """A solver of the shallow-water 2 layers equations (SW2L). .. inheritance-diagram:: Simul .. todo:: I guest the topography (bathymetry) can be handle in this class. We will need specific parameters about the topography. """ InfoSolver = InfoSolverSW2L
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): r"""This static method is used to complete the *params* container. Notes ----- - :math:`f` is the Coriolis frequency [1/s]. - densities, list/array of layer densities :math:`\rho` [kg/m^3] - :math:`g` gravity [m/s] - :math:`H` background layer thicknesses [m] - :math:`drag_coef` bottom friction coefficient [1/s] """ SimulBasePseudoSpectral._complete_params_with_default(params) _H = [1000.0, 3000.0] attribs = {"f": 1.0e-4, "densities": [1034.0, 1037.0], "g": 9.81, "H": _H, "drag_coef":0.} params._set_attribs(attribs) # todo: unused parameters... params._set_child("topography", {"kind": None})
def __init__(self, params): self.compute_vertical_modes(params) super(Simul, self).__init__(params) # if mpi.rank == 0: # self.output.print_stdout( # "c2 = {0:6.5g} ; f = {1:6.5g} ; kd2 = {2:6.5g}".format( # params.c2, params.f, params.kd2 # ) # ) # derive other parameters _H = self.params.H _topo = 0.0 # should include real topo self.Z = [sum(_H[::-1][:i]) + _topo for i in range(len(_H) + 1)][::-1]
[docs] def compute_vertical_modes(self, params): """ Compute vertical mode structure """ # job performed by mpi process 0 and scattered if mpi.rank == 0: H = params.H rho = params.densities g = params.g nb_layers = len(params.H) A = np.zeros((nb_layers, nb_layers)) # A[0, 0] = 1.0 + rho[0] / (rho[1] - rho[0]) A[0, 1] = -rho[1] / (rho[1] - rho[0]) # for n in range(1, nb_layers - 1): A[n, n - 1] = -rho[n - 1] / (rho[n] - rho[n - 1]) A[n, n] = rho[n] / (rho[n] - rho[n - 1]) + rho[n] / ( rho[n + 1] - rho[n] ) A[n, n + 1] = -rho[n + 1] / (rho[n + 1] - rho[n]) # n = nb_layers - 1 A[n, n - 1] = -rho[n - 1] / (rho[n] - rho[n - 1]) A[n, n] = rho[n] / (rho[n] - rho[n - 1]) # B = np.diag(H) # w, v = eig(A, B) # sort by eigenvalues isort = np.argsort(np.real(w)) v = v[:, isort] w = np.real(w[isort]) # fix normalization sc = ( ** 2)).sum(axis=0) / np.sum(H) self.phi_vmode = / np.sqrt(sc))) self.phih_vmode = # h modes self.iphi_vmode = / np.sum(H) self.c_vmode = np.sqrt(g / w) else: # dummy assignment on other mpi processes self.phi_vmode = 0.0 self.phih_vmode = 0.0 self.iphi_vmode = 0.0 self.c_vmode = 0.0 # broadcast result if mpi.nb_proc > 1: self.phi_vmode = mpi.comm.bcast(self.phi_vmode, root=0) self.phih_vmode = mpi.comm.bcast(self.phih_vmode, root=0) self.iphi_vmode = mpi.comm.bcast(self.iphi_vmode, root=0) self.c_vmode = mpi.comm.bcast(self.c_vmode, root=0) # # store vertical modes in params if mpi.rank == 0 : attribs = {"phi_vmode": self.phi_vmode, "phih_vmode": self.phih_vmode, "iphi_vmode": self.iphi_vmode, "c_vmode": self.c_vmode,} output = open("vmodes.pkl", 'wb') pickle.dump(attribs, output) output.close()
# params._set_attribs(attribs) # print("phi",type(self.phi_vmode.tolist()),self.phi_vmode.tolist()) # print("H",type(H))
[docs] def tendencies_nonlin(self, state_spect=None, old=None): r"""Compute the nonlinear tendencies. Parameters ---------- state_spect : :class:`fluidsim.base.setofvariables.SetOfVariables` optional Array containing the state, i.e. the horizontal velocities and surface displacement scalar in Fourier space. When `state_spect` is provided, the variables vorticity and the velocities and surface displacement are computed from it, otherwise, they are taken from the global state of the simulation, `self.state`. These two possibilities are used during the Runge-Kutta time-stepping. Returns ------- tendencies_fft : :class:`fluidsim.base.setofvariables.SetOfVariables` An array containing the tendencies for the velocities :math:`\mathbf u_n` and layer thicknesses :math:`h_n`. Notes ----- .. |uu| mathmacro:: \mathbf{u} .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial .. |ez| mathmacro:: \mathbf{e_z} .. |bnabla| mathmacro:: \boldsymbol{\nabla} .. |D| mathmacro:: \mbox{D} .. |xx| mathmacro:: \mathbf{x} In this function, we have to compute the right hand sides of these equations: .. math:: \p_t \uu_n(x,y) &= -\bnabla \Big \{ g m_n + \frac{1}{2} |\uu_n|^2 \Big \} - (\zeta_n + f) \ez\times\uu_n, \p_t h_n(x,y) &= - \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u}_n h_n) The gradient of the Montgomery potential is related to interface vertical positions according to: .. math:: \bnabla m_0 = \bnabla z_0 = \bnabla (T + h_0 + h_1), .. math:: \bnabla m_1 = \frac{\rho_0}{\rho_1} \bnabla m_0 + \big(1 - \frac{\rho_0}{\rho_1}\big) \bnabla (T + h_1). This function computes all terms on the RHS of the equations above, including the nonlinear term. The linear dissipation term (not shown above) is computed implicitly, as demonstrated in :class:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral`. """ oper = self.oper if state_spect is None: state_phys = self.state.state_phys else: state_phys = self.state.return_statephys_from_statespect(state_spect) ux0 = state_phys.get_var("ux0") uy0 = state_phys.get_var("uy0") h0 = state_phys.get_var("h0") rot0 = state_phys.get_var("rot0") ux1 = state_phys.get_var("ux1") uy1 = state_phys.get_var("uy1") h1 = state_phys.get_var("h1") rot1 = state_phys.get_var("rot1") # Parameters for bottom friction drag_coef = self.params.drag_coef H = self.params.H ux0_t0 = 0. uy0_t0 = 0. h0_t0 = H[0] ux1_t0 = 0. uy1_t0 = 0. h1_t0 = H[1] if old is None: tendencies_fft = SetOfVariables( like=self.state.state_spect, info="tendencies_nonlin" ) else: tendencies_fft = old Fx0_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("ux0_fft") Fy0_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("uy0_fft") Fh0_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("h0_fft") Fx1_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("ux1_fft") Fy1_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("uy1_fft") Fh1_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("h1_fft") fft = oper.fft f = self.params.f # compute normalized Montgomery potentials # for now ``topography = 0`` m0 = h0 + h1 rho0, rho1 = self.params.densities ratio_rhos = rho0 / rho1 m1 = ratio_rhos * m0 + (1 - ratio_rhos) * h1 # compute nonlinear tendencies for layer 0 Fx, Fy = compute_Frot(rot0, ux0, uy0, f) gradx_fft, grady_fft = oper.gradfft_from_fft( fft(gm_plus_kin_energy(self.params.g, m0, ux0, uy0)) ) # Compute bottom friction for layer 0 bt_ux = -drag_coef * (ux0 - ux0_t0) bt_uy = -drag_coef * (uy0 - uy0_t0) bt_h = -drag_coef * (h0 - h0_t0) # oper.dealiasing(gradx_fft, grady_fft) Fx0_fft[:] = fft(Fx + bt_ux) - gradx_fft Fy0_fft[:] = fft(Fy + bt_uy) - grady_fft Fh0_fft[:] = -oper.divfft_from_vecfft(fft(h0 * ux0), fft(h0 * uy0)) + fft(bt_h) # compute nonlinear tendencies for layer 1 Fx, Fy = compute_Frot(rot1, ux1, uy1, f) gradx_fft, grady_fft = oper.gradfft_from_fft( fft(gm_plus_kin_energy(self.params.g, m1, ux1, uy1)) ) # Compute bottom friction for layer 1 bt_ux = -drag_coef * (ux1 - ux1_t0) bt_uy = -drag_coef * (uy1 - uy1_t0) bt_h = -drag_coef * (h1 - h1_t0) # oper.dealiasing(gradx_fft, grady_fft) Fx1_fft[:] = fft(Fx + bt_ux) - gradx_fft Fy1_fft[:] = fft(Fy + bt_uy) - grady_fft Fh1_fft[:] = -oper.divfft_from_vecfft(fft(h1 * ux1), fft(h1 * uy1)) + fft(bt_h) oper.dealiasing(tendencies_fft) if self.params.forcing.enable: tendencies_fft += self.forcing.get_forcing() return tendencies_fft
if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy as np import fluiddyn as fld params = Simul.create_default_params() params.short_name_type_run = "test" nh = 32 * 8 Lh = 2 * np.pi params.oper.nx = nh params.oper.ny = nh params.oper.Lx = Lh params.oper.Ly = Lh dx = Lh / nh delta_x = params.oper.Lx / params.oper.nx params.nu_8 = 1e-4 params.time_stepping.t_end = 1.0 params.time_stepping.USE_CFL = False params.time_stepping.deltat0 = 0.1 params.init_fields.type = "noise" params.forcing.enable = False params.forcing.type = "waves" params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.25 # params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.spectra = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.spect_energy_budg = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.increments = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.pdf = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.time_signals_fft = True params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 1.0 params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot = "h0" sim = Simul(params) # sim.output.phys_fields.plot(field="h0") sim.time_stepping.start() # sim.output.phys_fields.plot(field="h0")